V-20 Total Return | 144.48% |
NIFTY_500 Return | 100.10% |
Cash | 94.30% |
V-20-CAGR | 43.21% |
Win/Loss % | 95.35% |
Profit Factor | 2.663 |
Percent Profitable | 48.81% |
Portfolio Maximum DD | -11.68% |
Current Drawdown | -7.94% |
Index Maximum DD | -18.48% |
Index Current Drawdown | -6.17% |
No. of stocks | 1 |
Performance of winners & losers:
Wins | Avg | Losses | Avg | |
Invested | 1 | 13.03% | 0 | 0.00% |
Exited | 81 | 33.68% | 86 | -11.97% |
Changes in Portfolio:
BUY: 0